Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Happy Thanksgiving

I have been typing this blog for almost two years now and over that time everyone reading has "met" our family and watched it expand.  As we have expanded our family we have started our own family traditions.  This year and last year Allyssia and I decided to have a small Thanksgiving meal at our house.  This year my parents, Pepere, Grammie and Grampa joined us.  I don't have to much to say today except that I am thankful that we got to spend a wonderful day surrounded by family.  I am also super thankful that Allyssia can cook an amazing feast for everyone to enjoy.  She worked on the food last night and then started back in this morning finishing everything up. 
Our kitchen table was crowded but as every table should be it was big enough for everyone to enjoy the meal!
Roland got to visit with everyone especially his Memere! He had a wonderful time playing and talking to everyone.
He is always so happy and ready to play!  He played right through his nap time but once everyone left he took a well needed nap and so did I!!
While we were all there; Baby Roland, Myself, my father and Grampa got together for a four generations of Timberlake's family picture!  As you can imagine we had a great family filled Thanksgiving and would not trade it for anything!
 Four Generations on one side of the family is great but four generations on both sides is even cooler!
We hope that your Thanksgiving was just as fun filled and exciting.  Until next time stay tuned and check back often. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your blog post and pictures. You and Allyssia are starting a wonderful tradition. Baby Roland appears to enjoy it, although he appears to enjoy everything!
