Monday, December 17, 2018

Introducing (sir) Galloway

As I slowly continue working in my shop I have come to the realization that I have not introduced you to the newest "member" of Rusty Gold Farm.  As usual this new member showed up needing work and not running and so far we haven't come very far.  Rolling in at a whopping 5 horse power I am glad to show you the Galloway engine!

The Galloway needs some care and fixing up but on the bright side it has an original Webster Magneto and a reproduction brass carburetor.  Now the carburetor was something that was custom made that Grampa bought for the engine.  The Galloway is complete and there will be updates soon as I make progress as well as more progress on the Oliver soon and a whole slew of new projects.  Until next time stay tuned and leave me a comment. 

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