Friday, February 8, 2019

The Little Focus That Could

So going back two weeks now we had an extremely icy Thursday morning. The roads were horrible and the town of Jay did not get out sanding until slightly late in the morning.  That just happened to be one of the mornings that Allyssia goes in early and leaves the house at 7:15.  On the way in after watching a bucket truck not make a hill Allyssia decided she was best to turn back and go home but after the sand truck went by.  Being smart and safety conscious she backed into a driveway to be off the road and out of the way for other drivers.  While in the driveway another driver lost control and jumped a snowbank and smacked right into the front of Allyssia's car.  Most importantly everybody was safe and unharmed but unfortunately the crash rendered Allyssia's car undrivable.
After a week and a half sitting at Allie Bond's Auto Body shop the insurance checked it out and deemed it totaled.  We talked about it long and hard, and decided since this Focus has done so well for us, we may get another one - so we decided to buy it back from the insurance company for parts and hauled it home.   For now though we are extremely luck to have the mini van and the new truck so that we have transportation.  Until next time stay tuned.

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