Thursday, January 16, 2020

One less appendix

Well the Timberlake family has one less appendix.
Wednesday Morning around 2:30 I was awoken by a terrible pain in my stomach.  As someone who usually sleeps very deeply to be woken up by a stomach pain it had to be pretty good.  The worst part though was not being able to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep.  When 6:30 finally rolled around Allyssia got up and helped me put horses out and at that point I decided to call in to work because I was in pain and slightly nauseous.  I napped on and off Wednesday until noon time when I made an appointment with my doctor.  At 2:30 I drove down to Livermore Falls to see my doctor just to be told that "Hey you have the symptoms of appendicitis you had better go to the Emergency room." So for the next two hours the Farmington Hospital ER is where we sat.
My Mother so graciously went to our house when she got out of work to watch baby Roland so Allyssia could come sit with me and not have to drag him through the ER.  Last night the Emergency department was swamped but they got me in a room, did some exams, and started an IV to prep for a CT scan.  That was my first ever CT scan and it was actually pretty neat.  after the scan it was about another forty-five minutes in the room before the doctor came and told me I was staying over night because I had an inflamed appendix.  At that point it was getting late so Allyssia headed home and I went to sleep there at the hospital.  This morning I woke up to my bed covered in saline because I ripped my IV out in the night.  After getting a new IV, antibiotics and a visit from the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and a few nurses I headed up to surgery. 
While I was in surgery Allyssia and Roland showed up to day surgery and  my Mother was working so she set them up in a room until I was out.  As you can see Roland has the Timberlake gift of being able to sleep anywhere.  After surgery I was brought to the recovery room and was passed out there for an hour and a half before they brought me to a room.  The first thing I got to see in the room was these two smiling faces!
They sent me home early this afternoon and now I am resting on the couch.  Thankfully I have an amazing wife that is keeping everything going and my Mother and Father have been a tremendous help.  I will have a few days that I am not allowed to do much but soon enough I will be on light duty and start doing something fun again.   Stay tuned and check back often!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a delightful account of your experience at FMH! Especially the photos, accolades to your family and exposing the Timberlake family gift. (I won't have to be so self conscious about my sleeping habits now!) Oh and sorry about your pain
