Sunday, September 17, 2017

Starting Jacob's tractor addiction

I'm sure that everyone has noticed that I have had Allyssia's younger brother Jacob helping me on quite a few projects and even when I don't mention him sometimes he is helping.  I would say that he has helped in some small or large way on almost every tractor that I have worked on lately.  I decided that I wanted Jacob to be able to work on something of his own if he wanted to so I talked to Jeff (my father-in-law) about a old Bolens 1220 that was his fathers and Jeff said that Jacob could fix it up. 
Now this tractor is a 1971 or 1972 and has already had a new engine installed on it and has been sitting for quite a while.  I set Jacob to pulling the shrouds off and cleaning the mouse nests out of the engine and he encountered three mice that were happily living in his tractor and promptly evicted them.  His project was then put on hold as he waited for new battery cables as we had to cut the old ones off to remove the old battery. 
           After cleaning and checking it over multiple times yesterday he was ready to fire it up.  With him on the seat and me next to it with a squirt bottle of gasoline we gave it a try.  It started up smoothly but had to be shut down quick because the muffler was forgotten.
We fired it back up with the muffler on and Jake headed straight over to show his father that he got his Grandpa's tractor running.
We still have work to do as it had been sitting so long.  The next order of business is new belts and getting the hydro lift to work.  Come Monday I should have new belts and when I update on the other projects I will let you know how Jake is doing as well.

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