Tuesday, February 20, 2018

On This Day

After much hassle with the bank and exceptional patience from the buyers we closed on the homestead in Peru today.  It is sad to think that I no longer own property at the very end of a dead end road.  I have been ready for this for a few months now, even though when I listed the homestead for sale I was very leery about selling it.  The new owners are extremely nice people and I know that they will take just as good care of it as I have but it is still sad to have it gone.  While moving my equipment out of the barn I did save a few small things that are part of the homestead to bring with me on my next adventure.  A few of them would be considered worthless to most like the door and window from my little shed but the most important thing is my handrail. 
This handrail, I was told, was carved by one of the builder's helpers when the barn was built.  This for me was one of the selling points of the property when I bought it.  Someday I want to smooth the handrail itself up and put it in my house. 
 I know that you've all seen these two before but they really capture the essence of the property and just how beautiful it really is. 
Well I will stop ranting and sign off for now but stay tuned and check back often. 
Someday soon we will have another homestead that Allyssia and I can show off to everyone. 

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