Sunday, August 20, 2017

A new family addition

This past week Allyssia and I added a dog to our family.  We have been in search for a while and were mainly waiting on a friend to breed his cattle dogs.  Through the summer neither of his two female dogs got pregnant so Allyssia started looking elsewhere.  By a stroke of luck she found two puppies from a litter left in New York.  We decided that for the price and the nice drive that one of those two puppies would be joining our home. 

        Fast forward to Sunday - Allyssia and I are doing chores much to the horses disapproval at 4am and by 430am we were on the road.  It was a beautiful drive out through Vermont into upstate New York on smaller back roads that were scenic and quite enjoyable.  We arrived at around 11:30am to a horse barn about like Allyssia's where the woman sells the litters of cattle dogs for a friend of hers.  We fell in love with little Cricket and then headed for home. 
We got home around eight that night. She rode home amazing, we had to stop for her to go to the bathroom a few times but she didn't wine or bark and seemed like she enjoys riding. 
     No matter how happy Allyssia and I are to have little Cricket in our lives now Parker our cat, who has been living in our house longer than we have, is not sure what to think.
 He has been very tolerant of her and when he does fight back does so without his claws.  I think that they will get along just fine but for now Cricket just harasses him and when Parker is done with her he just goes away and jumps the baby gate to where she can't go. 
   So with a new puppy will come new puppy pictures and she will be my mascot to be in my tractor pictures from now on.
I forgot to mention that she is a spoiled new puppy with all her new toys and dog bed!!

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