Monday, August 28, 2017

On to the next mower deck

Since I got the Estate Keeper running I have been on the scramble to get a mower deck working for it because I hate to have a tractor that has nothing to do.  Sunday I started tearing into the deck but didn't get very far because the pulleys were stuck onto the spindles pretty tight.  I started soaking them in PB Blaster and moved onto a different task
The deck with the cover removed as well as the mounting arms that hold it on the tractor.
Here is where we left the deck for the day
After abandoning the mower deck project Allyssia and I moved onto getting the first heat out of our firewood and started cutting and splitting off from our ten cord pile of twenty four foot wood.  Allyssia missed out on cutting the wood down in Peru so she got to use her Christmas saw and cut while I loaded the bongo truck and split.
Since it can't bee seen from this picture the saw is a Stihl ms170.  It's a small saw but has decent power especially since Allyssia hasn't run a chainsaw much.
This is my awesome little wood splitter. Now some may think that an electric splitter doesn't work as well.  I will admit that it does have its drawbacks but it is a powerful little splitter that doesn't need gas, starts with the flip of a switch and I can run it in the basement like I did last winter.  I haven't yet put a stick on it that it wouldn't split but I am sure that I will find one.
Back on the subject at hand, tonight I got the pulleys off the mower deck spindles and got the bearings out so that I can order new ones as well as a new belt.  The deck is just a barren shell now and I am contemplating putting a quick coat of paint on it after cleaning it up a bit but can't quite decide yes or no.  Tomorrow I should have more pictures and hopefully more finished projects!

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