Sunday, September 9, 2018

A Camping Expedition

Last week between having Monday off and having Thursday and Friday for Vacation days I hardly worked, at work.  At home I spent all day Monday mowing, working on projects and Grampa and Gramie stopped in and visited for a while.  All my hard work was leading up to getting ready for camping this weekend.  That's also why I took Thursday off from work to run errands.  I went to the DMV and got a new license,  went to visited my mother and went to get shavings for the horses before going home.  We then packed the trailer full of our camping gear in anticipation of Friday.  Come Friday morning we got chores taken care of finished the last minute packing and off we went headed straight for Eustis. 
This is Allyssia's favorite campground and I had never been so it was a first time for me and I really enjoyed it.  This past weekend was quite cold but it was still an enjoyable trip  We also brought the Bongo truck and the three wheeler so that we could go riding while up north.  Now the riding up north is not nearly as kind and easy as we have it around home, within the first hour we got the Bongo truck mired in mud. 

It was arguably the smallest piece of equipment that I have ever gotten stuck but it was also the worst.  Getting stuck took only thirty seconds but getting unstuck took over two hours.  I have no pictures of getting unstuck because I was knee and elbow deep in the mud.  With the use of leverage and and many rocks I finally pried it out with only the bumper missing.  The bumper has no permanent damage because it is plastic, it didn't bend or break but I will need to use bigger washers to hold it on. While on the new trail we ran into a few spots in the trail that were to say the least interesting.
                                                        Off roading level Bongo Truck

After getting unstuck and down the few big hills we ran into yet another problem.  
Luckily the Bongo truck has a jack and I brought the spare tire because on the rocks we sliced a sidewall.  That was the quick fix since I brought my impact drill and sockets so within a few minutes we were headed back to camp to call it quits on the four wheeling and just to relax at camp. 
After changing the flat Allyssia decided to ride the three wheeler back and I drove the bongo truck.  Allyssia had her idea of relaxing and sat in her hammock reading I on the other hand have different plans to relax.

My idea of relaxing is playing with my old and new camp stoves.  I have quite a collection of camp stoves and lanterns that I enjoy fixing and using.  The three here are a mix of old and new.  The left one is a newer stove that can run gas and Coleman fuel.  The middle one is my fathers old camp stove he had when he was a kid.  The last is a stove my friend Connor gave to Allyssia and I for hiking.
That night I cooked us steaks on the grill and corn on the cob in the fire coals.  After an amazing dinner we headed to shower and bed in our camper/horse trailer.  With an air mattress on the goose-neck and all of our cooking supplies in the back it is the perfect camper except it has no heat and it was cold this weekend.  Other than the cold it was an amazing weekend at Cathedral and I cant wait to go back.  I am going to wait to tell the bad news that I have until another day so until then stay tuned and check back for more. 

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