Thursday, August 30, 2018

Working on the House not the Tractors

Being a homeowner is an interesting thing.  It is awesome to have something to call your own but that also means you have to do the maintenance and upgrades.  This week for me has been upgrades mainly and most of them comfort related.  The first thing that I finished up installing was my mini split heat pump. 
This has been in the process for almost two months now and I finally finished it.  On a log cabin such as this it was a bit difficult finding level places to hang everything but with a little ingenuity I was able to not only make it work but also make it look good. 

I got the heat pump at cost from work and I of course could install it myself but that was not the only reason I wanted it.  I am removing my oil boiler and installing a gas boiler so I want the heat pump in case I dont have the boiler back up and running and it gets cool. 

The heat pump is a Fujitsu brand unit.  They are not a bad unit and for the price it was a really good deal.  Overall the worst part of installing it was leveling the wall on the inside to hang the indoor unit.  It took some creative doing with plywood and some shims. 

The left hand picture is my new Gas boiler.  Now I say new but it is a boiler that I got secondhand from work because a customer wanted to get away from propane because it made him uncomfortable.  The boiler has little use and is only a few years old.  In my opinion this boiler made by Viessmann is the best Gas boiler on the market. 

The last thing I have been working on, also in slight preparation for changing my boiler is installing a new water heater.  I bought this particular water heater a year ago when we were living in our first house and brought it along to here.  When I run out of oil I have this heat pump water heater all set up to switch over and have hot water. 
When I do run out of oil and start changing my boiler I will have to cut my oil tank up and bring it out, bring the old boiler out and haul my wood stove into the house.  I will keep you updated on all of that as the time comes as well as cutting splitting and hauling my wood in.  Until next time stay tuned and check back often!

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