Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Like a Flash

This time of year it almost seems like all I do is work and to an extent that would be true.  Whether it is working at my day job, helping Allyssia in the barn, or working on getting ready for winter I am always busy.  Since my last blog post I have worked late almost every night and some on the weekends.  Sometimes at work though I come across things that spark my interest and in some cases go home with them. 
Anyone that doesn't know I absolutely love old records, especially old country western swing.  This particular customer had happened to be at the dump at the same time that a radio station was cleaning out their old records and he took them all.  While I was working I noticed the shelves full of albums and inquired.  I was handed a box and told to help myself!
In just a few minutes I had a box full with some awesome records such as these!  I was invited back when I am free to look through and save some more old records!  Stay tuned and if you stop by the record player will probably be turning because I have a lot of vinyl to listen to. 

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