Friday, October 5, 2018

Pumpkins and Engines and Saws oh my.

Long post coming at you today so bear with me and just keep reading.  After my last Blog post I fell into a bit of a rut not wanting to sit behind my computer because that would have required me cleaning my desk and I did not want to clean it.  I did finally clean my desk off and am home from my vacation..  Between the last post and this one some fun stuff has happened.  First off I was the lone exhibitor of antique engines at the local Apple Pumpkin Festival! 
As usual the Quadractor appears at almost all shows with me as well at the model headless Witte, but there is a new old face here too.  On the front of the trailer is probably my favorite engine I own and it came from none other than Grampa.  This engine is a 5 horse power air cooled hit and miss engine.  It is probably one of the best running, easiest starting hit and miss engines I have had the pleasure of starting.  Now after the show it came to it's new home because it had been stored at Grampa's but he wants the room in his garage for other things.
Grampa also sent me with this cart to roll it around my garage, making it easier to move.  I will have a good video of the air cooled starting and running in another post but for now pictures are all you get. After an awesome day at the show Saturday and a relaxed day cleaning the yard up on Sunday Allyssia and I headed out on vacation!!!! We went away for our two year anniversary, which has been two years of Allyssia asking "but don't you already have a tractor like that?" and me explaining why I need another one!  For our anniversary we went to the Freyburg fair and North Conway.

We went for Woodsman's day on Monday and got rained on for part of the day but it was not overly bad.  Day two was wet and cold all day but the plus side was that there weren't many people there and when watching the pulling the grandstands had plenty of seating.  Wednesday Luckily was a beautiful day for us to wander North Conway and see all of the little shops.  We don't usually buy much at the shops but this time we found all kinds of things that we both loved!

Allyssia's and my stuff can easily be told apart because most everything I got was tea or tea related.  I am very into tea, especially loose leaf tea that I can steep myself.  So at all the shops I picked up three different kinds of tea, a new tea mug, and a new steeping pot! After wandering around long enough we headed for home.  After being gone for just three days it is so nice to be home and see Cricket, Emily, Parker, and the horses again. 
So on my farm Facebook page I posted a picture that was going to lead into tonight's blog but I can not get my video to upload so that part of the blog will become its own post, besides I have rambled on long enough for one night.  Be sure to join in next time and leave a comment because I love hearing from you all. 

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