Friday, November 16, 2018

The Farm Turns White

As with every year the white blanket of snow has arrived at the farm.  It is not my favorite sight but after a little staring in disbelief or is it denial? I started the truck, hooked onto the plow and headed out to push the snow in circles so that I look like I might know what I am doing.  Allyssia on the other hand bundles up so that she looks like the abominable snow man and grumbles along in the cold.  I personally think that her three winters in Florida might have spoiled her but that's just my opinion.  With the snow comes a whole new task of keeping cars and tractors cleaned off as well as roofs and walkways.  With all that said I can say that I would not want it any other way and even with my grumbling and incoherent muttering about all of the snow and cold you wouldn't find me anywhere else

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