Friday, April 21, 2017

A well placed farm stand!

So here it is at last.  The farm stand is in its resting spot for the summer.  We set it onto cinderblocks to keep the wood from rotting and leveled it by eye. 
For my first major carpentry project it came out pretty well especially after being towed down our long driveway to get to where it is now.  There is still a few small things to be done such as building some brackets for the roof supports to set in to make it a little more sturdy and then we are going to add some smaller produce shelves above the main shelf. We also have more signs to make but for now we started with two nice chalkboard signs.
The egg sign will stay the same, it will just be moved around but the other will eventually become our price chart and tell what is in season.
 So if your in the area stop by and buy some eggs, please!!!!

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