Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tack room lockers

Today was another day of fun at the barn as I custom fit a set of six lockers into Allyssia's tack room.  It is going up quickly and it even looks half decent but it is rough going because the back wall is one inch rough pine boards and so they are all a little bit larger or smaller than the next and they all stick out a little more or less than the last.  
Here is most of the framing for the lockers built.  On this project I decided to use planed 2x4's because I wanted as much room in the doorways as possible and it is easier to work with than wet hemlock.  The hemlock also tends to twist a bit when it dries and doesn't leave as nice of a finished edge. I did however use pine 1x6's for the floor inside the lockers that my grandpa so kindly sawed out for Allyssia.
Then we started on the lockers themselves, these first two did not turn out as great as I imagined they would but I am slowly getting the hang of this whole carpentry thing and am tending to cut things longer rather than shorter now because as they say you cant stretch a board and especially not a piece of plywood. 
Regardless of the little mistakes these two came out pretty decent.  the worst part was putting the shelves in the top and having to take it half way back apart to get the plywood in there.  I am hoping that it will be strong enough because I know that sometimes shelves like this get very overloaded.
As I got to the last locker and building the divider to go in, it was starting to get extremely easy. it's funny how that happens. I almost felt relieved that I was done but I was also thinking "Hey I'm getting good at this let me do a few more". But in reality it went well towards the end except that I ran out of plywood for the shelves.
Allyssia is supposed to get more plywood and then I will be forced into building doors for the lockers.  Speaking of doors and the tack room, my previous project was putting a half door on the tack room and if I do say so myself, I think that it came out quite well.

When more materials come in there will be more on the lockers.
For those wondering I still don't have pulleys for the Quadractor.  I did get a nice set of Timken pulleys but they were a slight bit larger and they were rubbing where they shouldn't. I did get the matched pairs of belts for the primary drive but before I undertake that project I want to drive it again and get my grandfather over here to try it as he is part of the reason that I bought it.  More updates soon and probably another time hop back to the building of our wheeled chicken coop!

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