Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The little blue chicken coop/shingle mill

As promised I have a nice post planned for our little blue chicken coop.  Our coop has led many different lives before it became a coop.  Its first life was as a small pop up camper which was disassembled and turned into a small trailer.  From there Don Chaimberlain, a good friend of my Grandfather and, I built it into a shingle edger shed.  I don't have any pictures of it as a shingle edger due to the edger being gone when I received it.  I had it full of random junk for over a year before we decided to build it into a chicken coop.
As you can see all 4 sides were open for access of the edger but that just wont do for chickens in Maine.  Two sides were boarded up completely and the other two were left for access.
It also needed a new roof to replace the rotten hand made shingles that were on the roof so it got some nice free roofing that I picked up and the ridge cap that my boss gave me after finishing his metal roof.
It then needed a paint job so after much fighting with the Paris farmers union folks we had an almost matching blue to paint it. On this side as you can see there are hinges to access the egg boxes for ease of picking the eggs. 
The coop is also well insulated with 2" foam and mill felt on the walls and ceilings. 
After the coop was finished we had to think of a way to protect our chickens.  We seem to have a high predator population here. (I think its due to their great diet and all the chickens they get to eat) So I set out building a safe chicken paddock. Using 2x6's, hog fencing, a little duct work from work and chicken wire I think we accomplished just that.
I have tried attaching the paddock directly to the coop for moving it but it is just as easy with two people to move the coop and then the paddock. 
That's all on the little blue chicken coop for now!!

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