Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Still Working at it Slowly

Slowly we are making progress around the farm. With the snow melting and the days getting warmer and staying light later I am able to work on all of the things more.  I have been cleaning the indoor out so that Allyssia can start riding and teaching lessons.  She has gotten Gina out riding in the arena a couple times since. 
Gina really likes the indoor and it keeps them both out of the wind!
I hauled two full loads of scrap wood to the dump out of the indoor and kept a huge pile of wood for some of my own projects.  There was also shelving that went into my garage and lots and lots of chicken wire that I relocated.

 We still have some leveling to do with a bigger tractor but I was able to do quite a bit with just my little skid steer.  We also got a spike drag to dig up the arena footing a little bit.  The drag was from my Grampa and it works excellent.  It is smaller than my homemade drag which we will see in a later post but for the indoor it works great. 

 The warm weather is most definitely a leading factor in all the work that is getting done here at the farm.  Allyssia is out riding again and we got out fence posts home to start fencing soon. 

It looks like a huge pile of fence posts because it is a huge pile of fence posts. There are two hundred and fifty two posts in all and once the ground is thawed - all of them will be in the ground with electric fence wire on it. 

Lastly for today is a quick video of Allyssia and Gina on their first ride down Webster road together.  The road is bumpy enough that people go slow and don't bother the horses when they go by. 

In the coming weeks there are a few updates that you can expect around here! 
Number one I have already modified my wood splitter for the better and I will be doing a YouTube review on it.
Two, Allyssia and I are going on a trip this weekend chasing after some rusty gold (I wonder what it is).
Three, the start of the mudroom project, the windows came in so now I have to start working on it.  Four, Fencing when the frost is out of the ground.
Lastly my mobile chicken coop and some more tractors will be moving north to their new home.  So stay tuned and check back often to see whats going on here at the Rusty Gold Farm.

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