Friday, March 22, 2019

The New Old Pump

As a collector of fine antique equipment and rust I am always looking for ways to put this old equipment to work.  I have always felt that it is easier for non collectors to understand the equipment if it has a purpose.  Old smokey has the sickle mower and I also have a farmi winch to go with it. The Quadractor I have brought places and brought a log to hook up under it to show its purpose.  When it comes to my hit and miss engines it is a little more difficult to find a practical use for them. That being said sometimes you stumble into something and that is exactly what happened here. 
I stole my new cart out from under the Galloway so that I could set up this nifty little rig.  The power unit on the cart is a mid forties international model Lb engine.  The engine rates between three and five horse power.  On the right we have a basic water pump.  I am working on getting the engine running so that I can tow the whole rig down to the stream and fill the water tank in the bongo truck this summer.  I am currently looking for a few parts for the carburetor and I need to get a belt made up for it.  Coming off the pump I am going to pipe it up with brass on the inlet and outlet.  For those of you wondering, the Galloway did not get kicked onto the ground, it got a cart of its very own and has been bolted onto the cart for an extended stay. 
As always I love seeing comments and suggestions,  Remember to check back often as you never know what we might be up to. 

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