Monday, May 7, 2018

A Busy Weekend

Per usual the weekend was so busy that at times we almost forgot to eat, let alone blog.  Saturday started like any day with me heading to the dump and then Allyssia brought me to pick the truck up at the mechanic's shop.  Then, I stopped in at Castonguay Meats and picked up dinner for Saturday night - we got a couple of chuck steaks that Donald seasoned and marinated for me.  After that I headed to Grampa's house to help hook the backhoe on his tractor, once we got it attached we headed for home.  Then, we started digging the trench for the electrical wires and conduit.
Grampa of course is a much better backhoe operator than I am and he offered to operate the tractor so off to trenching he went.  We got the trench from the house dug quite easily and never even hit a rock.  We did find an old waterline that made us panic when we pulled it up but we still have water in the barn so we are all set. 

While Grampa was digging I would move the tractor when the need arose but otherwise I was watching and shoveling a little bit.  One thing I did find in abundance was earthworms and night crawlers.  If I had started picking the worms as we dug I could have started selling worms like I had when I was younger. 

Sunday afternoon and evening I got the rest of the trench from the garage to the barn done.  It was a little harder to do because I had to do the digging this time!  Now that it is dug I need to get the electrical conduit and run it in the trench so that we can pull wires and soon have power again!  After only a week we want power back quite badly as it is a pain working in the stalls in the dark.

I still cant thank Grampa enough for his backhoe and tractor.  Without the backhoe it would have taken me forever to dig a trench this deep and this long.  It was also great having him help because it would have taken me much longer to dig the trench so it gave Allyssia and I time to work on some other projects that evening and do a little bit of grilling.
 This may not seem like much to most people but we finally got a pasture fenced in and with three 100' extension cords have it electrified.  I also got all two hundred and forty seven fence posts pounded in and we have five pastures marked out to be taped and electrified.  The horses cant be set free full time just yet until they are acclimated to the grass, so they are enjoying being out on the pasture for an hour each evening. 

Overall it was a busy weekend but a great weekend.  For being on call I got so much done and would like to thank everyone that helped.  Remember check back often and let me know how I am doing. Until next time be safe and enjoy what you do!

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